permanently clever

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

back to being a real person again

well, i have to go back to work today. it's good though cause "i got no tengo dinero" (kinda sad if you know that song too . . . ). i'm just afraid that my feet are gonna hurt like none other because i'm not used to standing on them for hours anymore. after work, i get to sit for a long time and write a 15-20 page paper. then, finals will be over and i'll get a fresh start!!

yesterday, to celebrate the tuesday that was forgotten, i went to the shore. i wanted to see it snow while i was at the ocean. alas, no snow (even though it was in the forecast) but there was the wintry mix. ice pellets hitting your face is not quite the same effect as snow lightly falling and getting caught on your eyelashes. it's all good though. i love the ocean. i was kinda nervous though when i was walking under flying sea gulls and i'd feel a drop of rain . . .

the shore Posted by Hello