permanently clever

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

imagine if you will...

a nice holiday break where students can sleep in and get much needed rest. now, imagine one of those alarm clocks that sound like this right next to your head. welcome to my world this morning at probably around 6:45.

apparently, my neighbor left for holiday break without turning off her rather loud alarm clock that does not automatically shut itself off. i think it probably started going off around 6:45 but it took me until 6:53 to really wake up and realize what was going on. if you have a normal alarm clock, they usually turn themselves off after several minutes. not so with my neighbor's. i had to go down the hall and call security so they could come unlock the door and shut it off. the security man (much to my relief) gets here rather quickly and i go help him shut it off. turns out the alarm clock is right next to where i lay my head on the other side of the wall. it's actually a digital alarm surprisingly but i guess you can set it so it makes the very loud noise of one of the ones with the two bells. i made sure to not just snooze it but turn it off completely so this does not repeat for the rest of the week! i thought that was clear thinking on my part for just having woken up...

on two up notes, i saw snow flurries!! and, HAPPY FIBONACCI DAY!

now, i'm going back to bed.