permanently clever

Thursday, February 24, 2005

exciting field ed. news

i just got done with a sort of phone interview with the pastor from first united methodist church of somerville. from what she told me about the youth program and the church in general, it's sounds like an exciting place to be! i really hope that when i visit again on sunday that i really click with the church folk and that they feel a connection to me as well. i'm getting kinda excited about this opportunity! and, the pastor told me that even though they are already talking with someone else that it is a possibility to have two interns this year. nice!

it's so strange to me how i find internships. in college, i wasn't looking for an internship at all and through random events, i ended up at tisdale. and i could definitely feel God calling me there. i mean, i tell people that it had to be God because i never would have done it otherwise. and now, this church basically called me up. i did go to the service to scope it out for field ed. opportunities but i didn't talk to anyone about it. then, that same week, i got a call from the pastor because she saw i was from the seminary and wanted to know if i was interested in doing field ed. there! i love it when God does all the work for me :D well, i don't have this internship yet but it's looking pretty promising. i haven't even met the pastor but she seemed to be talking like 'when' i work there instead of 'if'. i am meeting with her on sunday and i have to take some typed up stuff on my call and my theology. i'm afraid i don't really know how to interview and i don't have the best confidence in my ability to think on my feet (at least when it comes to answering questions in order to impress people). i just think that if this is how i get all my ministry positions, i'm definitely down with that. it totally caters to my procrastinator nature and even more importantly, it caters to my dependence on the Spirit leading me to where God wants me.