permanently clever

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

always look on the bright side of life

my optimism seems to be coming more easily to me these past couple of days and i don't really know why. but hey, i'm not complaining!

i'm currently living in the country. it's beautiful and it's nice to get away from campus and be in a real house for a while. and, i did six loads of laundry ... totally free! lovely! the dog this time is a little less well behaved but it's understandable because she's still a puppy. but dang she has the highest pitch bark of my life and it annoys the snot out of me. but, if i bark at her and she thinks it's something outside, then she'll do her low, real bark. oh man, that last sentence made me sound like a dork cause i'm sitting here in this house all alone barking at the dog. at least, i didn't tell you all that i like to do my funky dance moves around the house too!!

"i'm tired, though, i'm tired. i can't go on, i can't go on. mark, can you go on. huh, yeah. that was a yes." sorry, i was just going to say how tired i am cause the dog wakes me up at six every morning but i got sidetracked and started writing down a conversation that was recorded on a third day cd. wow, i'm weird tonight. i think it comes from the fact that i don't really have anything to say in this post so i'm just putting the random thoughts that enter my head.

i would like to thank carl for the awesome cd he made for me! i listened to it on my commute from school. (ha! i commute!) there are some pretty good songs on the cd and i love that he would think to make me a cd. plus, i think it's hilarious that the last song is a monty python song (the song title is the title of this post, by the by). i'm sure the people in the car behind me probably thought i went a little crazy when i started laughing and dancing when i had been pretty mellow for all the songs before it (i was sitting at a light for like four changes of the light when the song came on. that's how i know the people in the car behind me could see me!)

so, if you're in the mood for something really weird: i've been having the strangest thoughts today. i think part of it stems from the weird dream i had last night. i dreamt that i got married. normally, that kind of dream would make me, a long-time single, very happy but it wasn't a good dream. people didn't approve of the marriage. i was all second guessing and didn't know if i wanted to be married. i felt uncomfortable around the guy (umm, don't think the guy was anybody i know. don't know if i ever saw his face. in case you were wondering). okay, so just now, i was thinking to myself that i really can't ever see myself as married. i mean, like real life married. i can definitely daydream about all the romantic adventure stuff but i can hardly fathom what it would be like to live day in and day out with the same person. wow, new revelation kind of stuff to me. [p.s. these new revelations don't mean that i don't still want to get married. they're just revelations that i don't know what's it like to be in that kind of relationship]

okay, i think i'm going to go to bed. early. really didn't mean for this post to be so long. that's the problem of me being a rambler.