permanently clever

Sunday, March 19, 2006

tooting my own horn

so, i thought a comment i wrote on a friend's xanga was worthy of repeating. i'll probably think this comment is less genius/clever when i read it again tonight as i check my post for comments and will regret that i put it out there for all (all meaning those that actually peruse my site occassionally), but here it is nonetheless. my comment of inspiration this sunday morning:

'as all procrastinators know so well, the school stuff will somehow all get done but when are you ever assured that the things that really make life important will get done...'

this is the end to my advice to my friend on how to spend her spring break. she made a list of things she would like to do this week and it consisted of probably half items school related and half items that are fun. obviously, i'm the supporter for the fun half.

toot toot.