permanently clever

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

who loves wednesdays? i love wednesdays!

haha! i can't help but laugh at myself. i didn't know i could be so melodramatic! i mean, i was feeling those things i wrote in my previous post but i think a lot of my frustration stemmed from me not feeling well. really, i just needed to go to sleep. and that's what i did. for a long time. on wednesdays i can sleep pretty dang late because i don't have class until 11:40. (i think sleep is in my top 3 favorite body functions list) when i woke up, my headache was gone (miracle of miracles) and i had a little theme song running in my head: relient k's 'pressing on'. it's even more hilarious to me that i have a theme song in response to my rantings last night! oh goodness. i just want to make it clear that i do love when my system gets messed with. i do enjoy new ideas that really make me think. i don't know how much these new systems are going to change my life (if at all) but i appreciate being introduced to them. maybe i should just refrain from theological reflection when i have a headache!

a curious thing happened: my body wash has disappeared. yesterday when i took a shower, i noticed there was significantly less than the last time i had used it. i think it probably leaked out. but i don't know why anyone would have taken it out of my basket. it was almost empty so maybe they threw it away but still ... i mean, i could have thrown it away. it wasn't leaking anymore and if they thought it was all they would have had to have done was turn it over. oh well. no harm, no foul. i used my new one today. ahhhh, ocean breeze.