i feel like it's been a while since i've done a quality post but i just realized it's because i've been enjoying real life too much. even now, i had to force myself to update because i know that a lot of cool things have happened that i would like to share but i really just didn't want to take the time to blog. maybe i blog more when i'm unhappy or bored; when life is engaging me, i'm less interested. this seems very profound and interesting to me but it really may be nothing at all besides a preramble before i get into the post. (note: yes, i meant to type preramble. it's a play on words. one of my idiosyncrasies is that language really does fascinate me and my favorite kinds of jokes are really just plays on words and double entendres and that sort of thing.)
first of all, my dogsitting days are over. hallelujah! i mean, i did enjoy dogsitting and living off campus but i started feeling way out of touch with folks and missed living on campus. kinda sad to see the option of free laundry go. although, the lady i dogsat for in the country said i could send stuff home with her and she would wash it for me. i don't really think i would ever do that but hey, it's nice to know the offer stands.
yesterday, i went to new york city to see my southwestern choir folks sing in carnegie hall. i loved seeing everyone! it was a little hard to have enough energy to be as excited as i should be because i still wasn't feeling well. it's hard to be in new york when you don't feel up to par. but i really did have an amazing day so i'm just going to focus on that right now. my friends ann and jeremey met me at penn station and then we went to times square-ish area to have some good new york pizza for lunch. then we hopped on a subway to go to fao shwartz. ann and i totally played the giant piano! (note: i guess i should let pts folk know that the ann i refer to is my kansas ann who was my roommate all fours years of college. it's confusing in some conversations now that i have two ann friends.) so, after the toy store, ann and jeremey had to go to rehearsal at carnegie. so, i thought it would be a good idea to go the met since it still baffles me that i've been to nyc many times and have yet to go to a museum. first, i decide to call my buddy mark who is from sc as well and was in new york but is not in the choir. he tells me that museums aren't open on mondays. that sucks. but why did i still think it would be a good idea to go to the met and check just in case?! so, i get myself to a subway station and accidentally take a train to queens. that's the first time i've really gotten messed up on directions in nyc. i think it was because i didn't really have to try hard or spend a lot of time in my decision-making cause it was only me who was depending on these decisions and i didn't care too much if i got lost. so, i finally get to the met. and, yes, true to what mark told me, it was closed. so, i didn't know what to do. there was nothing else i really wanted to see or had terribly much time to get to. i decide to walk the thirty blocks back to carnegie hall. i didn't really have the right kind of walking shoes on though so my feet started hurting. but i was glad to see more of central park on my walk. i decided that it would really be a good idea to just find a coffee shop and sit and read the book i brought. so, i'm walking down 57th looking for a coffee shop and i find a store/museum of lladro. i remembered that my spanish teacher loved lladro and because i was in the mood to see pretty things, i decided to go in there and look around. after that i finally found a starbucks not too far from carnegie but first i wanted to explore a store next door called kate's paperie because have come into my papery store and told me about it. it was a lot larger than i thought but very cool. so finally i get to my starbucks and call my friends and tell them i'll be there waiting. and then i look out the window and see jeremey walk by so i get up and try to catch up with him. then i see everyone in choir cause they had to get their pictures taken. it was great to see everyone but i didn't get to spend much time with many of them. so then we (ann, jeremey, a kid named adam, and me) decide to go to the hard rock cafe for dinner. mark joins us there eventually. it was a good time. i love my ann! i mean, you have to know she's an awesome girl if she was able to live with me for four years!! after dinner, we head to their hotel so they can change to their choir stuff and then we head out to carnegie again. mark suggested that we get a cab because it would be easier and splitting the cost wouldn't be very much. the bad news is that we had five people but the cabby could only take four (even though it was a mini-van!). so mark tells us to get in while he jogs/walks to carnegie hall. okay, here's an interesting part of the story. i try to get in line to get tickets so i asked some people if they were in line and they said no and asked me if i wanted tickets. they gave me two free tickets to the concert! sweet! so, mark and i sat on the very second row in carnegie hall for free. the music was very good. i had a couple of spiritual moments. but then i started to get anxious because i wanted to make a 10:34 train and the concert didn't get over until 10:05ish. just so you know, i thought the 10:34 train was the last one back to jersey for the night and the next one would be at 4:42 a.m. so, i'm rushing to a subway station and i get on a train. i'm so thankful that it was there exactly when i needed it. but then, the train doesn't move. there are a bunch of people that keep getting on so i think it will eventually go. but it doesn't. so at 10:20, i get out and grab a cab to penn station. it was kinda cool to go through times square in a cab but i was too nervous about missing the train to enjoy it. so, the cab gets there at about 10:33. i throw a ten at the cabbie (about a $4 tip) and run through the train station. it was totally one of those movie moments. but by this time, i know that i've missed the train. so i go up to the ticket booth and i find out that there's another train at 11:09. and then another after that. it was totally ridiculous that i thought the 10:34 train was the last one (even though that's what the internet said!). so, i get on my train at 11:09 and i'm waiting and then sarah marsh gets on the train! i didn't expect to see anyone from pts on a late train on a monday night! turns out that her high school choir was singing at carnegie too . . . with my college's choir! (the concert was three different sets of different choirs combined) what a small world! so, it was good to have some company on the way back. but dang i was tired after all that.
today, i took a lot of naps. glorious. i didn't shower til 1:45 this afternoon. kinda embarassing. i really enjoyed my theo.fo. class today (theo.fo. = theological foundations for ministry with youth). also, i loved being on campus today and seeing people that i normally see on an eveyrday basis but hadn't spent much time with the past couple of weeks. it was fun to eat in the cafeteria again and just chat with folks over a meal. after dinner, i was discussing with emily some pictures i had taken (because emily takes excellent pictures and i very much value her opinion in that area) and a plan was tentatively formed to go to the shore on good friday to be in a setting to take pictures and have some fun. i'm totally stoked about that. then, some of us (krista, larissa, nicole, jenny, eleanor, and me) went out to charlie brown's to celebrate that krista has finally finished her finals from last semester. yay for krista!! she can be a normal student again! it was a good time at charlie brown's. good, cheap margaritas and some interesting conversation. i wanted to go join the emergent cohort meeting after we were done hanging out but we ended up staying there longer than i thought we would. i didn't really feel comfortable going over in the middle of the meeting and interrupting. i mean, i know it would have been okay but there were a lot of people there and i've only been once before so i thought i would just head back to seminary. it was cool because i'm pretty sure i saw that dr. torrance was there! so, when i got back i thought ann (pts ann this time) would find it interesting that the prez was at the emergent cohort meeting. and she was impressed. then, we got into one of our compelling conversations (which i love and have missed during my sabbatical for dogsitting).
so that's what's happened these past couple days. i didn't think this post was going to be this long so i'm very impressed if you have made it this far! i just have to say that the theme for the past couple days has been the appreciation of friends. i love my sc friends so much and it made me so happy to see them. and now, i'm realizing that i have made some really good friends here at pts and i think a fresh recognition and gratefulness for that happened today.